An incubator is an organization that supports the growth and development of early-stage startups. We offer a range of services, including mentorship, access to funding, networking opportunities, and workspace.

Our eligibility criteria may vary with respect to programs , but generally, we accept applications from early- stage startups and entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas. Specific criteria are available on our website’s program page.

To apply for incubation, you can visit our website and fill out the application form . You will be contacted

We offer startups access to co-working spaces, mentorship, funding opportunities, networking events,legal support, educational programs, and access to industry

The duration of incubation is 2 years with one year of extension can be

DTU IIF is sector agnostic, that is we are flexible and adaptable for various

Our charge vary with respect to services and program ,for more details contact DTU IIF at +91-11-27852207 or dtu.iif@gmail.com

We often provide guidance on intellectual property and legal matters or connect startups with experts in these fields.

You can contact us at the provided phone number or email address for any inquiries or We are here to help and provide you with the information you need.

We encourage international startups and entrepreneurs to apply but the startup should be registered in

The selection process typically involves reviewing applications, conducting interviews, and assessing the potential of the startup's idea.